Delivery Options

We guarantee discreet packaging, safety, and privacy on all shipping methods. We are also using a hidden packaging technique to ensure maximum discreetness. No labels or package contents are described on the packaging. When all of our methods combine, the parcel becomes 95% undetectable, even on deliveries to risky zones.
Orders will be sent in perfect packaging (no smell, no shaking, vacuum sealed, and protected from damage).
Pills/tablets orders may be sent with original blisters or not; it depends on the batch and order amount.

Worldwide Avg. Delivery Times Tracking Signature upon Arrival Price
Unregistered Mail from EU EU: 6d, UK: 8d, US/CA: 10d, rest: 15d Not Required USD 9.90
Registered Mail from EU EU: 5d, UK: 7d, US/CA: 10d, rest: 12d Required USD 16.90
Express Mail from EU EU: 3d, UK: 5d, US/CA: 6d, rest: 8d Required USD 39.90

Estimated delivery times are based on averages. Delivery may take longer or shorter.